ECR - Volume 11 Issue 1 Summer 2016

ECR - Volume 11 Issue 1 Summer 2016
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This issue of the journal coincides with the 2016 European Society of Cardiology Conference in Rome. I hope to meet as many of our readers and contributors as possible at the conference, and I also look forward to getting acquainted with the results of the large studies that will be presented at the ESC meeting and which may have a huge impact on patient management. European Cardiology Review will have a presence at the conference and I hope that you will visit us at our publisher’s, Radcliffe Cardiology’s, booth during the event.

This issue of the journal also marks the beginning of an exciting partnership between European Cardiology Review, Radcliffe Cardiology and the International Society of Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy (ISCP). I am delighted that the ISCP has chosen to partner with the journal to share their research and guidelines directly with our readers henceforth in every issue. I provide further details on this partnership in an editorial on page 7, and I am looking forward to the incumbent ISCP President, Professor Antoni Martinez Rubio, providing an editorial article in every issue, from the next issue onward. This will allow our readers to gain insight into the rapidly evolving world of cardiovascular pharmacotherapy and the valuable educational work of the ISCP in this area.

In another new development for European Cardiology Review, we are happy to present a new series that reflects on the contributions of iconic clinicians and researchers in cardiology. We have dubbed the section ‘Cardiology Masters’ and are honoured that Professor Keith AA Fox allowed us to profile him for the first instalment (page 60). We are looking forward to bringing you inspiring articles in this section that chart the many routes to excellence in the field.

In this issue we have leading experts review a crucial list of subjects of relevance to the practising cardiologist. I call the readers’ attention especially to the section on resistant hypertension, which comprises excellent articles by Taddei and Bruno (page 8) and Tsioufis et al. (page 12), as well as a guest editorial on the topic by Professor Thomas Kahan (page 18). The work presented in this section will shed light on defining resistant hypertension, as well as the implementation of suitable treatment strategies.

All articles presented in the current issue deal with extremely important topics in cardiovascular medicine and provide expert views regarding diagnosis, prevention and management of diverse cardiovascular conditions. I extend my thanks to the European Cardiology Review Editorial Board and all the featured authors for their contributions to this issue of the journal. I hope you will enjoy reading it as much as I have enjoyed editing it.

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journal of the ISCP
Citation: European Cardiology Review 2016;11(1):5
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Citation: European Cardiology Review 2016;11(1):7
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Citation: European Cardiology Review 2016;11(1):8–11
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Citation: European Cardiology Review 2016;11(1):12–7
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Citation: European Cardiology Review 2016;11(1):18–9
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Cardiac Imaging | Myocarditis | Endocarditis

Citation: European Cardiology Review 2016;11(1):20–4
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Citation: European Cardiology Review 2016;11(1):25–8
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Cardiomyopathy | Cardiac Protection

Citation: European Cardiology Review 2016;11(1):29–35
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Citation: European Cardiology Review 2016;11(1):36–42
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Citation: European Cardiology Review 2016;11(1):43–8
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Atrial Fibrillation | Stroke Prevention | Dementia

Citation: European Cardiology Review 2016;11(1):49–53
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Cardiovascular Risk Factors

Citation: European Cardiology Review 2016;11(1):54–9
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Cardiology Masters

Citation: European Cardiology Review 2016;11(1):60–1
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